Calling in the Future

I remember when I took this photo, it felt like I was envisioning the future I wanted to materialize. The sparkle of earth reflecting the setting sun, the feeling of cool evening air, and the smell of pine and sage. I felt calm to my core and joyful experiencing this moment. And now, a few years later, I AM calmer and more joyful, more connected to myself and my surroundings.⠀ As a parent, when you look to the future (whether 2 years, 5 years, or 10 or 20), what is the relationship you hope to have with your child? Pause now (yes, right now) and identify 3 key words you might use to describe this ideal relationship.⠀ Now, I want you to really embody in yourself what it would FEEL like to have that type of relationship. What are the sensations in your body? Your thoughts and feelings? Take that and bring it with you into your relationship now. How can you begin cultivating the seeds of that future relationship? What does your successful outcome look like at this point in the process? And yes it IS a process, but the more you can embody in the present how it will feel, the more it will be like second nature and a part of your identity to act in ways that bring you closer to that future reality. Now, what do you need to do to keep these key words and sensations at the front of your mind during the day? Set a reminder on your phone? Post-its on your bathroom mirror? Notes on the fridge? Find a way to remind yourself multiple times a day so this becomes a part of who you are. I'm cheering you on and I can't wait to see what materializes!

